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BAYER's 'Detective Didi & Sidekick' Childhood Cancer Booklet

Press Release: 'Detective Didi & Sidekick' Unveiling Event

Bayer has partnered with KickCancer, paediatric oncologists, and the Belgian Society of Paediatric Haematology Oncology (BSPHO) to create a booklet called 'Detective Didi & Sidekick’ to help kids understand cancer. 

It's a tough reality - every week, about 10 children in Belgium are diagnosed with cancer, and explaining it to kids is no easy task.  

In an effort to introduce 'Detective Didi & Sidekick' to the public, a press conference was held on 14 September at UZA, Antwerp. Dr. Joris Verlooy provided an introduction, shedding light on the significance of this initiative. Furthermore, Matthias Sercu, an actor, shared a 'reading moment' from the book, joined by paediatric patients from the hospital. 

From left to right, Gitte Borgers (Bayer Patient Engagement & Governmental Affairs Manager), Sofie Venherpe (author of the book), An Van Dooren (illustrator of the book).

Dr. Joris Verlooy (UZA) presenting at the BAYER press release.

About 'Detective Didi & Sidekick' booklet

Detective Didi & Sidekick' is a colourful, humorous, and interactive booklet designed to help children, along with their families and friends, understand what cancer is and what to expect in terms of examinations and treatment. It explains complex concepts in a way that's easy for kids to grasp while adding a touch of humour to make the information less intimidating. 

Supporting Children and Research

While the primary goal of the booklet is to assist children and their families during this challenging time, there's more to it. You can purchase an electronic version online for 9.99 €, and the money from your purchase goes towards childhood cancer research. 

Physical copies of the booklet will be made available to childhood cancer patients in PHO hospitals throughout Belgium. 

In a world where childhood cancer affects too many families, Bayer's 'Detective Didi & Sidekick' offers a simple, practical way to make a difference. Learn more about the booklet here (in NL). 

Link to get your electronic copy of the book:

This news was written by BSPHO