Banner Image Kc Patient Conference Nov 2024

KickCancer Patient Conference 2024

For the 3rd year in a row, KickCancer will organise their patients’ conference in concertation with BSPHO.

This conference can have a big impact: The first one led to the reimbursement of off-label medication from 1 January 2024!

We hope to see many of you joining this event to make it a success again.

The topic of this year's conference will be : Access and organisation of clinical trials in Belgium

—> How clinical trials are funded (even when they are part of standard of care)

—> Impact for patients of the S2 directives applied by the health insurance funds

The end goals of the conference will be to:

• Ensure a more fluid and easier access to funding for clinical trials (through INAMI / RIZIV?)

• Create new guidelines for S2 forms for patients who must travel abroad to access innovative therapies

SAVE THE DATE: Friday 15 November, in the afternoon.

Do not hesitate to share the news with your colleagues who could be interested.

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